You need an accounting firm, experienced in affordable housing, handling your affordable housing tax filing needs.
Most of the financing tools utilized in the financing of an affordable housing development are "tax driven" (LIHTC, HTC, and other tax incentive financing programs). It is critical that your project accountants are seasoned affordable housing accountants. Missing deadlines and critical tax elections are costly and can sometimes be detrimental to your affordable development.
Ensuring that your tax filing reporting requirements are accurately and timely met is one of the most critical components in an affordable housing development.
- Tax preparation is stressful, takes time, and is confusing.
- You want to ensure your tax returns are accurate and timely filed.
- You need to be confident that all of the required tax elections are properly filed and consistent with your investors requirements.
- You run a complex development company and don’t need the hastle of worrying if your tax filing requirements are being met. We ensure they will!

We serve as tax accountants on hundreds of affordable housing deals. We know the rules and understand the reporting requirements. Little & Assoc. provides tax prep for LIHTC partnerships and LLC’s, non profits, and developers in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama.
We bring your numbers home.
Little and Associates is more than just an accounting firm who does your annual taxes. We know your deal and ensure all of your critical tax and regulatory needs are timely and accurately met. We care about your numbers. They are safe with us.